Resource Studio – a space where everyone is always in their element. We are an ambitious team that identifies and trains social skills (soft skills), transforming students into confident, strategically oriented candidates. In our 7 years in the market, five of which have been spent working with the student community, we have found that excellent university knowledge alone is not enough to secure the desired profession if one cannot present it effectively to potential employers. Therefore, our goal is to reveal your best version of “yourself” for making a career leap into the “ocean” of national and international opportunities.
Resource Studio specialists will teach you how to present “yourself” more effectively, which will significantly increase your chances in the modern job market. The company bases its activities on the decisions of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and adheres to the recommendations regarding the criteria for evaluating the quality of educational programs at Ukrainian higher education institutions. Our studio works in collaboration with universities, providing you with a full range of necessary skills: soft skills (our studio) and hard skills (your university). If you are under 29 years old, participation in the “Upgrade Your Own Software” course is provided free of charge..
We strive to connect individuals who have experience and influential tools with those who are actively seeking support for their professional and personal growth. Our self-development management team will help you identify a personalized path that leads to the achievement of your goals.
Ми організуємо консультації з провідними спікерами, які є висококваліфікованими та впливовими фахівцями в різних галузях та сферах. Наші ментори мають великий професійний досвід і готові поділитися з вами своїми знаннями та навичками. Визнаючи унікальність кожної особистості та кар’єри, ми пишаємося тим, що пропонуємо персоналізований підхід. Наші наставники уважно вислухають ваші конкретні запити, визначать ваші цілі та спільно з вами розроблять комплексний план дій, який прокладе шлях до вашого успіху. Незалежно від того, чи прагнете ви просунутися по кар’єрних сходах, чи сприяти особистісному зростанню, наш проект охоплює широкий спектр програм, розроблених з урахуванням ваших конкретних потреб та вимог.
The Resource Studio team has created the “Upgrade Your Own Software” program, which consists of 14 interconnected training sessions for the “future job candidate” (but they are equally important in everyday life):
1. Employment and training of young people
2. Psychological analysis of the features of self-presentation of users of social networks
3. Basics of physiognomy
4. Rhetoric and public speaking skills
5. Lies. Basic information
6. Polygraph. Basic information
7. Emotional intelligence
8. Manipulation in communication. NLP techniques
9. Critical thinking
10. Basic principles of negotiations
11. Practical role-playing training "RedTeam: In defense of Ukraine
12. Effective career management and professional communication
13. (Playback theater (theater of improvisation)
14. Leadership
4 weeks, 1 program, 14 training sessions will expand your horizons, enhance professionalism, and help you find the “key” to a new you. For young people, participation in the program is FREE.
Andrii Cheverda
Kristina Ustymenko
Deputy director for communication and cooperation
Anastasia Vozovich
Manager of communication issues abroad
Employment prospects and finding internships
Oleksandr Polisaev
Basics of physiognomy
Self-presentation in social networks
Neurolinguistic programming
Oleksandr Polishchuk
Basics of physiognomy
Self-presentation in social networks
Yulia Osmolovska
Basic principles of negotiations
The Iron Lady in negotiations
Leadership: secret knowledge
Evgeny Tatarinov
Effective career management
Manipulation in communication
Anna Garus
Employment and training of young people
Search for grants and grant programs
Dmytro Zolotukhin
Practical role-playing training "RedTeam
Search and verification of information on the Internet "OSINT-Academy"
Oksana Chub
Emotional intelligence
Effective professional communication
Oleksandr Shevchenko
Playback theater
"Manifestation", "Acting improvisation"
Olena Nikolska
Critical thinking
Emotional intelligence
Overcoming stress
Kyiv, st. Hlybochytska 32A